Quick hack/warning for those using an alternative command line processor like TCC and also use Xoreax’ Incredibuild for distributed builds. Incredibuild is awesome, by the way, and if you have a larger C++ project that takes a long time to build, you should use it. And no, I’m not getting paid or receive free stuff for writing that.
However, if you have to start your Visual Studio instance from the command line because you need to set some environment variables first, or because of your general awesomeness, make sure you’re starting it from a stock Windows shell. Either the standard Windows command line (cmd.exe) or PowerShell will do nicely, thank you. If you start VS from TCC and have a couple of build tasks that spawn out to the shell, Incredibuild wants to shell out into TCC to run these tasks and the shelled out task don’t seem to return control to Incredibuild again. Yes, I was too lazy to investigate further as the method described above works.