The Lone C++ Coder's Blog

The Lone C++ Coder's Blog

The continued diary of an experienced C++ programmer. Thoughts on C++ and other languages I play with, Emacs, functional, non functional and sometimes non-functioning programming.

Timo Geusch

1-Minute Read

The perils of buying a used computer - yes, I am too cheap or just not rich enough to buy a new Mac Pro - is that sometimes you find that you inherited “interesting” fixes.

Like this SSD mount:

Yes, that’s electrical tape and no, I don’t agree with this special mounting method. At least they did put some electrical tape between the case of the SSD and the case of the DVD drive.

I guess this is one way of saving $20, which is what the correct 2.5" SSD mounting frame for a recent-ish (2009/2010) Mac Pro costs:

A 2.5" SSD in the correct mounting frame for a Mac Pro

SSD in the correct mounting frame

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A developer's journey. Still trying to figure out this software thing after several decades.