The Lone C++ Coder's Blog

The Lone C++ Coder's Blog

The continued diary of an experienced C++ programmer. Thoughts on C++ and other languages I play with, Emacs, functional, non functional and sometimes non-functioning programming.

Timo Geusch

2-Minute Read

Another metablogging post, but this may come in handy for people who like to produce blog posts in bulk and schedule them for publication in WordPress at a later date.

In my case, my ability to find time to blog is directly correlated to my workload in my day job. That’s why you see regular gaps in my posting that may last for a few weeks to a month or two.

To counteract this, I try to write multiple blog posts in one sitting when I’ve got both the time and am inspired to write, then schedule them such that WordPress pushes them out automatically over the next few days or weeks. My normal workflow for this was:

  • Write post in org2blog
  • Publish post to WordPress, adjust the publication date
  • Edit the post in org2blog again, push in and then remember to tweak the publication date because org2blog overwrote the publication date

The last two steps of course are unnecessary. See the #+DATE: line in the first line of the screenshot?

org2blog highlighted date entry

Date section in an org2blog post during editing

When you create a new blog post using org2blog/wp-new-entry, just edit the date that org2blog automatically inserts to your desired post schedule and the setting will carry over into WordPress. Easy if you know how.

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A developer's journey. Still trying to figure out this software thing after several decades.